Wild Wisdom: Leave No Trace and Minimize Impact

If you’re an alumni, we taught you a LOT on your course! Check out our Alumni Lessons to help refresh your memory of basic camp craft and teachings from your instructors. LEAVE NO TRACE (LNT) Going camping? Make sure to remember these Leave No Trace (LNT) principles to protect the environment! We see a lot of cool… READ MORE >

Wild Wisdom: How to Build A Fire

If you’re an alumni, we taught you a LOT on your course! Check out our Alumni Lessons to help refresh your memory of basic camp craft and teachings from your instructors.   HOW TO BUILD A FIRE Building a fire is fun—but can be tricky! Read on to learn how to safely and efficiently build… READ MORE >

More than Tax Write-offs: The Benefits of Charitable Giving

“Why me? Why now? How does this benefit me?” We’re sure a lot of questions run through your mind when you’re making the decision to give to a charitable organization. Fortunately, the answers to“why give”are easily found in our most basic biological and psychological selves. But before we ask why donate to an organization, let’s ask… READ MORE >

A Week with Wolves: Day 5

On May 21 2018, Jo Coyle, Marketing & Communications Coordinator of Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, joined Green Street Academy on their school’s five-day four-night expedition to Michaux State Forest. She documented the physical and emotional growth and journey of Crew C—dubbed “The Wolfpack” by their instructors—a group of eleven 15- to 16-year-old young… READ MORE >

The Benefits of Partnership: Aiming for Better Education

On August 16th we delivered two programs here at CBOBS for the schools listed below. Teachers and students came together to prepare for the upcoming student-led Baltimore Student Diversity Leadership Conference that will be held in Annapolis, MD in November of this year. The programs were facilitated and planned in partnership between Higher Learning Group’s… READ MORE >

Charting Course: 21 Days with USNA Midshipmen

USNA Midshipmen Complete 21-day Expedition with CBOBS Over the course of 21 days in June, eight United States Naval Academy Midshipmen traveled through wilderness in Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania during a fully funded expedition with the Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School (CBOBS). The expedition included six days of backpacking and rock climbing along… READ MORE >

Make a Difference: Join Our Police Youth Challenge Committee!

CONTRIBUTE TO OUR POLICE YOUTH PROGRAM RECRUITING VOICES OF BALTIMORE YOUTH AUGUST 22, 2018  |  4:00 – 5:00 PM  |  CBOBS CAMPUS We’re asking Baltimore Youth to join us for an informational session at our campus on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 about our Police Youth Challenge Committee! This Committee is created to advise on matters that… READ MORE >

A Week with Wolves: Day 4

On May 21 2018, Jo Coyle, Marketing & Communications Coordinator of Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, joined Green Street Academy on their school’s five-day four-night expedition to Michaux State Forest. She documented the physical and emotional growth and journey of Crew C—dubbed “The Wolfpack” by their instructors—a group of eleven 15- to 16-year-old young… READ MORE >

Baltimore Director Leads From Beyond The Desk

It’s not often the leader of an organization gets their hands dirty in quite the way Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School’s Executive Director does. An Outward Bound alumna herself, Ginger Mihalik is an avid adventurer who knows what it takes to complete the challenge of an Outward Bound course. She does more than lead… READ MORE >

A CBOBS First: The International Boundies Awards

The family that doesn’t shower, stays together. View all course photos here THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL BOUNDIES AWARDS Written by Tory Haltermann, CBOBS Instructor Halfway through a 12-day course, I overheard phrases like “It will be like the Dundies from The Office” and “We can make one for everyone” from two students who paddled near me…. READ MORE >