Outward Bound Staff Selected to Join Baltimore Public Safety Commission

On November 9, Khai Overton, our Police Youth Challenge Program Coordinator was confirmed as a part of Baltimore’s inaugural Public Safety Advisory Commission. Introduced by Baltimore City Council President and Mayor-Elect, Brandon Scott, the commission will build engagement protocols and best practices for Baltimore Police Department (BPD) and community interactions. “We are excited to get… READ MORE >

Student Stories: Cooper’s Fire Watch

Fire Watch has been build into many Outward Bound expeditions. The history begins with Outward Bound’s founder, Kurt Hahn, who often would call on his students to serve as lighthouse watch in Scotland- to keep the fire going so others wouldn’t lose their way. While just teenagers, Hahn fully believed, “There is more in you… READ MORE >

Updates in Response to Racial Injustice

We stand with #StopAsianHate and look to leaders and organizations working to actively dismantle oppression. While the post may be late, it remains important. As Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month continues, we share some ways to celebrate and grow this month. We know that #StopAsianHate is more than just a post and are reminded… READ MORE >

Nature Abides: Experiencing the Outdoors in a COVID-19 World

With the spread of coronavirus around the world, many people are experiencing a new version of “stir-craziness” like never before. Kids are home and bored, the dog is whining for attention, and you’ve been sitting at your makeshift office (the kitchen table) in front of a computer screen all day. As we continue to build… READ MORE >

The Board That Knows No Bounds.

This Fall, seven members from our Board of Trustees ventured onto the Appalachian Trail to further connect to the Outward Bound mission. While many of them have been on courses before, this group was spending it’s first time together as a crew. That means they performed all the same duties and challenges our students do… READ MORE >

Staff Awarded for Compassion, Safety, Service

Every year our expedition ‘season’ comes to a close after months of unworldly dedication from our instructors and team. While we don’t take the winter off, this milestone creates a perfect time to recognize our internal CBOBS community for going above and beyond throughout the year. Instructors, administrators, and members of the Board all come… READ MORE >

Raise the Future: Brown Advisory Celebrates 20 Years

“As we think about organizations we want to partner with, who share our values of integrity, excellence and inclusiveness, Outward Bound is at the top of that list.” – DANA COOKSEY, CHIEF PURPOSE OFFICER It can be hard to find win-win solutions in life. Luckily, that’s exactly the business of both CBOBS and Brown Advisory…. READ MORE >

The Best Time to Give to Students like Kailani is Now

Hearing stories of our students’ resilience in the face of adversity is what makes our work and your contributions worth it. Recently, we received a story from Kailani, a former GOAL expedition student, and we were moved to share it with you and others who made her experience possible. The best time to give is… READ MORE >