Incorporating Purpose Driven Leadership into Your Work

Why Join Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School as a Board Member Adding purpose into your life and work is associated with a range of benefits from physical health to a better ability to navigate complex challenges, at work or home. A study by Harvard Business Review found that, “fewer than 20% of leaders have a… READ MORE >

The World Comes to Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School

Over three days, Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School (CBOBS) welcomed the Outward Bound International (OBI) Board and Committee of Executive Directors for their semi-annual board meeting. With programs running in 34 countries and six continents, it was an honor for CBOBS to host this group and highlight our work and impact across the Baltimore and… READ MORE >

Welcoming CBOBS New Executive Director, Kristen Komlosy

We are excited to announce Kristen Komlosy as the new Executive Director of Chesapeake Outward Bound School. Kristen comes to Outward Bound with a wealth of non-profit leadership experience, most recently as the Executive Director of Shelters to Shutters for the National Capital Region (DC, MD, and VA). Her roots and passions have long been… READ MORE >

Accepting Your Patch Years Later

The Tradition of the Outward Bound Patch Towards the end of an Outward Bound expedition is a tradition shared across crews. Students are handed their Outward Bound patch to accept it if they choose. A small token to signify the accomplishments and challenges of an expedition, students decide for themselves if they feel like they’ve… READ MORE >

Bridging a Different Gap

I remember the moment clearly. I was standing in front of my 4th grade class giving a lesson on honesty. I remember thinking, “why should they believe me?”  Honesty is really hard! It requires courage, integrity, self-confidence, and so much more. How could I give my students an experience that helped them see the value… READ MORE >

Our 2022 Blue Heron Educator Award Winners

The Blue Heron Educator Award is designed to recognize educators who embody the characteristics of agility, integrity, compassion, and perseverance, and have gone above and beyond to inspire those same traits in their students—both in and out of the classroom. CBOBS recognizes two educators every year from their two core markets—Baltimore and Washington, DC. The… READ MORE >

A Unique ROTC Program Finishes its First Year

A new ROTC program and partnership wraps up its first year with Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets from Bowie State University and University of Maryland completing a five-day wilderness expedition on the Appalachian Trail. The week-long challenge was the final step in the first year of the Building Bridges program. The program kicked off with… READ MORE >

Five Reasons to Prioritize In-Person Teambuilding in 2022

Teambuilding is more than just a fun day laughing with your coworkers—but it is that too. As our teams become increasingly hybrid and we look for ways to stay connected to the work (and people) that matter, it’s even more important to set aside time to be together. Here are five reasons you should be… READ MORE >

Welcoming New Leadership to Our Board of Trustees

At Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School, we work to change lives through challenge and discovery. Our ability to foster life changing experiences for students across Baltimore, Washington DC, and the greater DMV could not happen without the dedication and support of our Board of Trustees. We are pleased to share the appointment of our new… READ MORE >

Baltimore and DC Educators Win Inaugural Educator Award

While we’ve always had the privledge to work with educators that are tirelessly dedicated to their students and families, it has been through these pandemic year that we’ve found the importance of celebrating them even further. “With the COVID-19 pandemic causing most schools to pivot to virtual learning, educators around the country—including those in the… READ MORE >