A Reflection on One Year as CBOBS Executive Director

A common saying on an Outward Bound expedition states, “The journey is long, yet, each day is a flash”.  It is a nod to all the challenges and miles a crew may have ahead, balanced with the feelings of togetherness and accomplishment when a crew thrives together. We celebrate our own crew milestone here at… READ MORE >

Welcoming CBOBS New Executive Director, Kristen Komlosy

We are excited to announce Kristen Komlosy as the new Executive Director of Chesapeake Outward Bound School. Kristen comes to Outward Bound with a wealth of non-profit leadership experience, most recently as the Executive Director of Shelters to Shutters for the National Capital Region (DC, MD, and VA). Her roots and passions have long been… READ MORE >

Nature Abides: Experiencing the Outdoors in a COVID-19 World

With the spread of coronavirus around the world, many people are experiencing a new version of “stir-craziness” like never before. Kids are home and bored, the dog is whining for attention, and you’ve been sitting at your makeshift office (the kitchen table) in front of a computer screen all day. As we continue to build… READ MORE >

Raise the Future: Brown Advisory Celebrates 20 Years

“As we think about organizations we want to partner with, who share our values of integrity, excellence and inclusiveness, Outward Bound is at the top of that list.” – DANA COOKSEY, CHIEF PURPOSE OFFICER It can be hard to find win-win solutions in life. Luckily, that’s exactly the business of both CBOBS and Brown Advisory…. READ MORE >

How can I help my child talk about their expedition?

Questions like “how was it?” often lead to answers such as: “fine,” “cold,” or “I will NEVER do anything like that again!” We hope that a few of the following questions can help guide a conversation with your child about their Outward Bound expedition.

Kinder, Stronger, Better: Challenge through Exposure

When you’re out on course, it’s not like you can just go home at night and throw your clothes in the dryer or grab a clean set. In the backcountry you’ve got what you got and you have to make it work. I think that’s what makes some people fall in love with spending time outside: When convenience is removed, you have to get inventive and resilient.