In an effort to get to know our interns better, we asked them three questions:
1. Who from history would you take on an Outward Bound expedition and why?
2. What piece of kitchen equipment do your fellow interns think you are, and why?
3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Talia Brody
Historical figure to take on OB course: I’d like to take Walt Disney – we would have a lot to talk about his creative work, and it would be very interesting to see what an Outward Bound experience would do to impact his movies in the future.
If Talia were a piece of kitchen equipment: “A whisk, the reason being she is such high energy and brings a lot of life and body to the group.” – Zach
Best advice: People come and go with various impacts on your life, but there is so much to be grateful for if I come to the end of my days with one great friend.
Megan Kietzman-Nicklin
Historical figure to take on OB course: I would take Helen Keller on an Outward Bound Expedition, because I am sure she would kick ass (re: kick butt) and bring the course to a whole new level, probably something akin to discovering another dimension. Plus I hear she had a killer sense of humor.
If Megan were a piece of kitchen equipment: “A mixer because she break things down and turns them into something creative and useful.” – Roxanne
Best advice: “This vision of success, of failure, of happiness, value, purpose- it is all a game we made up, once long ago. You do not have to play the game that was handed to you, you are welcome to make up a new game, with new rules, and a new definition of winning.” Or, “Stop doing the thing that you have already chosen not to do.”
Grace Hardy
Historical figure to take on OB course: I’m gonna say I’d take David Bowie because then we’d have some good tunes around the camp fire and great stories but he’d also bring the some truly unique/alien insight to any and all lessons.
If Grace were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Grace would be a citrus juicer, because she turns lemons into lemonade. On course and in life, she’s confident, understated, and knows how to make sour situations seem like a picnic.” – Jaclyn
Best advice: Best advice I’ve ever gotten is to learn how to be your own best advocate.
Eric Taylor
Historical figure to take on OB course: Chuck Norris, no explanation needed.
If Eric were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Eric would be a blender because he’s energetic and loud and likes to mix things up.” – Grace
Best advice: No matter the obstacles that you will face stand tall, think big and push through. The only challenge in life that can’t be beat is the one that you tell yourself you cannot defeat.
Emily Shames
Historical figure to take on OB course: It’s a three way tie for who I’d take on an Outward Bound course: John Henry because I’m pretty sure he would pick up heavy things and carry them for long distances with me. Edward Abbey because the conversation would be extraordinary and would cause some deep introspection. Herodotus because he would have endless incredible stories and years of travelers wisdom to pass on.
If Emily were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Emily would be a can opener, because she loves to dive headfirst into tough and challenging situations and just rip their tops off making it look easy.” – Eric
Best advice: The best advice I’ve ever received is in video format.
Zach Tolles
Historical figure to take on OB course: Stonewall Jackson, because he is known as one of the greatest leaders of recent military history and I believe he would be able to teach a lot about how to lead effectively. He would also benefit from course to be able to maybe take a supporting role and maybe become a different type of leader.
If Zach were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Zach is most definitely a refrigerator. He’s always running and keeps things fresh.” – Dave
Best advice: Never miss a good chance to shut up.
Roxanne Clement
Historical figure to take on OB course: Napoleon Bonaparte, to help him get over his complex.
If Roxanne were a piece of kitchen equipment: “She would be a knife sharpener, because when you first see her she may seem a simple tool, but as you think about it you realize she is one sharp piece of work. Roxanne keeps us all a little sharper!” – Talia
Best advice: The first step to accomplishing a goal is showing up.
Jaclyn McIlwain
Historical figure to take on OB course: John Muir would be an epic expedition companion. We would talk geology and identify plants and our expedition would turn into one of the coolest guided nature tours ever. He’s the founder of The Sierra Club, the Father of National Parks, and one of the most impactful conservationists of all time. I think we’d be BFFs.
If Jaclyn were a piece of kitchen equipment: “If Jackie was a kitchen appliance she would be a tea kettle simply for the fact that the hot water used from it would be used for green tea which is a calming soothing drink just like her nature.” – Khai
Best advice: Live your truth and know that you don’t owe anyone an explanation.
Dave Wilson
Historical figure to take on OB course: I would without any doubt take along Henry David Thoreau. I think he would have beautiful words to add in every conversation.
If Dave were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Dave would be an ice cream scoop because you are always excited to see him and he brings the party.” – Emily
Best advice: The best advice I’ve ever gotten is, “If you lack confidence, pretend. It will come.” Second best piece, and more tangible advice, “Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.”
Khai Overton
Historical figure to take on OB course: If I could take anyone on an expedition from history I would take Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It would be interesting to pick the brain of one of, in my opinion, the first authentic original rock stars of music in Europe.
If Khai were a piece of kitchen equipment: “Khai would be a hearty, brightly colored plastic serving bowl, because he is incredibly versatile, useful in pretty much any situation (cooking or otherwise), with a combination of sensibility (a large bowl is straightforwardly useful) and outgoing resourcefulness (a bowl could, for example, double as an excellent hat for pure fun and foolishness’ sake, or a washbasin, as needed). Plus, like Khai, a large colorful bowl attracts attention, in a pleasing, easy-going, rounded sort of way.” – Megan
Best advice: The best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten has been that walls are not meant to hold people back. They are there to be knocked down.