Have fun guessing and learning about classmates
Having fun together is an important part of creating community and belonging. This activity is a fun way to build new connections!
Have fun guessing and learning about classmates
Having fun together is an important part of creating community and belonging. This activity is a fun way to build new connections!
1. Hand out a notecard to each student. Have them write their answers to three chosen prompts on the card. Tell students that their answers should be a little tricky to guess, but still true! They should NOT include their name.
- If you could eat one food forever, what would it be?
- If you could spend the day with one famous person, who would it be?
- Favorite song or music genre
- Favorite toy as a little kid
- If all people and pets were safe, what one thing would you save from a fire?
- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
- If you could be any animal for one week, what would you be?
2. Have students’ hand in their cards and mix them up.
3. Take turns reading the cards aloud one by one. Have the group/class guess who the card is from.
Instead of going through all the cards in one sitting, use them throughout the day or week to spread out the anticipation. Pull them out after a lunch transition or at the end of the day.
Model interest and attentiveness during the activity, ask follow-up questions about items you’re curious about.
Celebrate each other’s differences and reference these new facts you learned later on! Listening and remembering can be a sign to students that you value them.
Ask: What is one new thing you learned about someone else that you thought was cool or interesting?