1. Post and read the essential question for this session: How do stereotypes influence how we react and communicate to people?
2. Ask students to do a 3-minute quick-write to answer this question.
3. Read this quote by the video’s speaker to introduce the TED talk:
“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
2. Watch the following video: TED – Danger of a Single Story (18:30)
3. Engage in some or all of the following questions as a group, or as a personal journal-centric activity:
- Share a time when you felt misunderstood or stereotyped.
- How do you wish someone would have rather approached you?
- What things can we do to make sure we don’t get trapped into thinking and communicating from the perspective of a single story?
- How can we make sure that we are hearing other voices?
- Which new perspectives should we seek?
- What attitudes do we need to take on so that we can listen and learn about others well?
- What is our role in getting other stories?
- “A single story robs people of their dignity.” Why or why not is this true?