You can create impact in your community – as a donor, a school administrator, an educator, a parent, a mentor. We work hard to focus on providing lasting outcomes so all you have to do is make one choice. The choice to make a positive change in the world around you.

We commit to providing our Outward Bound community with a clear view of the your impact. No matter how you engage with our school, you can find the ways that your support made our work possible below.

Annual Report

Download Previous Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report

CBOBS Student Report Card

For our Educational Partners, we provide an outcomes-focused Report Card using data from our Outward Bound Outcomes Survey (OBOS) — designed and validated by the Partnerships for Education and Resilience (PEAR). This retrospective-pre post survey helps us evaluate the progress made on twelve key indicators of social and emotional development. Find a sample of our Student Report Card below.

Police Youth Challenge – Impact Report